Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Making a commercial at Munich Evolution

My buddy Steve stopped by today from Montesa Entertainment http://www.facebook.com/pages/Montesa-Entertainment/162040889519 Steve and I have worked together over the years, and we have always spoken about making a commercial or ad for Munich Evolution http://munichevo.com and we finally hooked up to work on one. Being a 1-man show is sometimes tough to put everything together when marketing and branding a business. I have reached a point where I feel that we have secured a very solid position in the specialty market, and earned an excellent reputation within the enthusiast automotive community, and now it's time to reach out to the mass markets, and the development of an ad/commercial is one of the next moves for the shop. Steve has done some amazing work in the past, and can capture the style and feel that I am looking for when producing my advertising media. As Steve brought in his equipment, I arranged the 1973 BMW 3.0 CSL, 2000 BMW Z8 and the 1980 BMW M1 for the shoot. We wanted to capture the feel of the shop, and express the direction behind Munich Evolution. Steve captured some amazing aspects of the 3.0, and then filmed me speaking about the story of Munich Evolution. We shot for about 4+ hours, and got some great images. Steve e-mailed me a rough cut, and I am very happy with the results. Steve is having a custom soundtrack created for the video, and it should be done by the end of the week, or early next week. I am very excited to see the results. I am very excited about taking the exposure of the shop to another level, and exposing Munich Evolution to the world. We have taken the development of our shop very seriously, and done everything in our power to earn one of the best reputations in the automotive industry, and will continue to keep striving for perfection into the future. Check out our yelp reviews. We have 15 of 15 5-Star reviews http://www.yelp.com/biz/munich-evolution-seattle Follow us on Facebook at http://www.facebook.com/BMWmotorsports?ref=hl

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