Thursday, September 27, 2012

Insomniac in Seattle

What do you do when you have a shop full of amazing cars and your not a fan of sleeping? Well, you can go out for a drive and take pictures of the cars. Yes, I am not really into sleeping much. It's not that I don't enjoy sleep, it's just that I am so excited about what I am working on at the moment, that I never want to go to sleep. I just wanna play with cars and do marketing. After I closed my shop tonight, I drove the 2008 Porsche 911 out to get some dinner at Dick's Drive In on 45th in Seattle, and then off to Starbucks at University Village and did some marketing till about 12:00am, and then on the way back I remembered a cool parking garage that I have always wanted to shoot at, so, armed with my iPhone and an Instagram app, I was off. Here are a few of the images from the shoot. Ok, I am going to bed now [1:15am], but back up at 6:30 to hit another coffee shop and do some more marketing. I love making my dreams a reality. Good night everyone.

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